Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Thompson Story and dog make an appearance


If you have never spent a few minutes with Thompson Story, you have been slighted.
This elderly gentleman is a delight and full of knowledge of Coweta Co history.
He was a carpenter in his heyday, and worked on houses in and around Coweta. He worked a lot for Mrs Banks in Grantville.
He never stops talking, I needed my tape recorder bad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He talks so fast I can't even write hardly anything down. I can type 100wpm, but I can't listen and write much of anything. Especially around him cause he is cracking jokes too. His memories jump around so fast too, that I have to say wait a minute tell me that again...... He is one character I wish I would have known when he was younger. I've known him about 4 years, thru his daughter's family whom I'm in Boy Scouts with.

Thompson Story is a desendant of the Banks family of Fayette Co, his ancestors traced out in the book by Frances Banks Story of Newnan GA. (book is "Grandpa's Family")
He is the son of Calvin C & Lonnie Mae Lyle Story'; grandson of John Addison Storey who served with the 13th GA Volunteer Calvary Reg, Co F, and Susan Elizabeth 'Betty' Kidd; great grandson of George & Mary Legg Storey; gg grandson of John Storey (1750-1920); ggg grandson of George (1725-1805) and Nancy Cantor Storey.

He also said he dated Miss Caldwell. The lady who owned and lived in the house the museum is in now. Well Miss Caldwell, you let a good one slip through your fingers when you let Mr. Story go....

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