Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Mr. Rosser & his 60 year shoe repairing career

While Cynthia is still in Jamaca for her family reunion, Eve Hutchison called and reminded me that Mr. Rosser is going to close his Dixie Shoe Repair Shop here in Newnan, which he opened in 1978. Before that the shop had been a Laundry Mat.

He has known how to repair shoes for more than 60 years.
He grew up in Meriwether and Coweta Counties.
His aunt was Verona Rosser, who the Verona Rosser Recreation Center was named after.
She was a teacher in Meriwether, and upon moving to Coweta, began to entertain children who would otherwise be on the streets during their parents working hours. She had a building on Pinson St, and eventually the City understood there was a need for programs for children, to keep them occupied and out of trouble.

Mr. William E Rosser went to Newnan Chapel Methodist Church when he was younger, and now attends St Paul CME Church in Newnan.  He attended Howard Warner High School, graduating in 1938. 
He married first to Ella B Woodruff and next to Elnora Amey.

He was in World War II and Korea. He was rear eschalon support for foward troops on the front lines, making sure they had clothes and other items to be able to fight. He also taught classes as a NCO.

Some of his career as a shoe repairman was spent in Denver Colorado.  He loves his home land, and will be buried in Meriwether County when the time comes.

Mr. W E Rosser's parents were Horace & Mary Rosser.

We hope he stayes in the shop for another decade or two. But for his eye sight, he probably would.

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